Introduction to Counselling Theory & Practice
(Level 2)
This introduction to counselling course is an Open Access Course for those:
• Having an interest in counselling and wishing to further their knowledge and their personal development.
• Returning to study.
• Seeking a career change.
• Undertaking voluntary work.
• Enhancing career prospects through extra qualifications.
• Thinking of training as a professional counsellor.
The tutor team at The Albany Centre have delivered an Introduction to Counselling course for some years within a college setting and now have decided to set up this course in an independent institute designed specifically for therapeutic trainings and personal development.
The overall aims of this introductory course are:
1 . To enhance and improve the verbal communication skills of participants, especially the ability to listen, to respect silence and to communicate empathic understanding. Emphasis will be given to working in groups.
2. To provide a realistic understanding of the demanding nature of vocational training especially in counsellor skills training.
3. To introduce students to experiential learning processes that will include a high element of personal growth work, developing further self confidence and self esteem.
4. To prepare students to move into the level 3 (seven month) qualification that will also be offered at The Albany Centre where there is further skill development.
At the end of the Introduction to Counselling course students should:
• Have a basic understanding of what counselling is about and compare and contrast with other forms of helping.
• Have some basic skills to further improve their own communication processes.
• Understand more clearly what counselling training entails and be able to make a more informed choice as to whether or not s/he wants to undertake counselling training.
• Provided they fulfil and pass the assessment criteria, be entitled to receive a Certificate.
This course is intended as a basic generic introduction to counselling. Its versatility appeals to a wide range of potential students including those who are considering embarking on formal counselling training. The course allows students to make a more informed choice as to whether or not to embark on a demanding vocational training towards a possible career in counselling or an allied career, e.g. welfare advice work, health and social care, teaching, youth work etc. where counselling skills would be useful. It is also intended for those who wish to improve their listening and communication skills.
Open access but students should be aware that the course involves experiential learning and self awareness exercises, which will be demanding of the self in interaction with others.
Prospective students should be aware that this level of course is not intended to train counsellors and that they will not be qualified to practice as counsellors on completion of this course, or even claim to be competent in the use of counselling skills.
Possession of the level 2 Albany Centre Certificate in Introduction to counselling or equivalent qualification will be a pre-requisite for entry to the full professional Diploma in Counselling. This is the start of vocational training as a counsellor. For those who do not intend to continue their studies further in the field of counselling the course can be a valuable introduction to communication skills and personal development.
To find out more about our next course including fees, dates and how to enrol please click here